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Subject : Polymeric material compatibility tests..
11/17/2021 11:12:35 AM
Dr. Mickael Sicard |
Posts: 3
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Dear all,
I have a question about the dimensions of the O-rings tested during the certification of alternative fuels (ASTM reports). I have not found it. Does anyone have the information?
In our compatibility studies, we use seals with dimensions of 25.12 x 1.78 (mm).
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards,
Mickaël. |
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Subject : Re:Polymeric material compatibility tests..
11/19/2021 07:39:47 AM
Dr. Robert E. Morris |
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In the Navy alternative fuel fit for purpose protocol for diesel fuel, o-rings are to be tested in accordance with ASTM D1414, which does not explicitly define the size of the test o-ring.
Sec. 10.3: "Test Specimen- shall be a suitable section cut from the sample O-ring. A 52 mm section has been found to be satisfactory on sample O-rings of 17 mm or larder I.D. On smaller O-rings, a section of approximately 3 mm shall be cut from the sample and discarded."
It is also noted in D1414 that testing of whole O-rings is not recommended because of air entrapment inside the O-ring, causing different conditions on the inside and outside surfaces.
I know the USAF has done a lot with material compatabilty; check some of the earlier IASH conference proceedings. |
Subject : Re:Polymeric material compatibility tests..
12/06/2021 11:16:48 AM
Dr. Steven Zabarnick |
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John Graham should be able to help you. [email protected] |
Subject : Re:Polymeric material compatibility tests..
12/06/2021 11:33:34 AM
Dr. Mickael Sicard |
Posts: 3
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Many thanks Steve! |
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Subject : Re:Polymeric material compatibility tests..
12/16/2021 05:01:07 PM
Ms. Melanie Thom |
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The o-ring testing being done in aviation gasoline also has the same "open" selection of o-ring sizes. I personally have found that using -226 for tensile/elongation and -210, cut, for compression set works well. This doesn't provide any information for testing already done in jet fuel, but gives a nice place to start for any future testing. |
Subject : Re:Polymeric material compatibility tests..
03/08/2023 03:58:34 AM
Dr. Mickael Sicard |
Posts: 3
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Dear all,
I need your help.
I am looking for the following report:
Fletcher, Alan J., “Evaluation of Material Compatibility of Fischer-Tropsch Fuel,” Report
No. AFRL/MLS 06-103, Materials Integrity Branch, U.S Air Force Research Laboratories,
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, September 19, 2006.
Does anyone have it available and could provide it to me if possible ?
This report is quoted in Clif's document "Comparative evaluation of semi-synthetic jet fuels".
Many thanks.
Mickaël. |
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Subject : Re:Polymeric material compatibility tests..
04/13/2023 03:46:11 PM
Ms. Melanie Thom |
Posts: 3
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